Confirmation at St. Ann's All Confirmation paperwork is due now!
Confirmation students must submit:
Holy Thursday Procession 7:00pm
Meet in Mulligan Hall at 6:45 Mandatory Confirmation Retreat
for students and their sponsors. Sunday, April 14th at St. Ann's Church Confirmation Thursday, April 18th at 6:30pm
at St Vincent de Paul Church, Milford |
When deciding on a Confirmation name, think of a saint you admire, can relate to, or aspire to be like. This patron saint then serves as guide and protector, will be bonded to you spiritually, will be your model in life and can be the one you turn to for guidance and protection.
Confirmation Candidate commits to open their heart and mind through reflection, prayer, service and witness for a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Parents commit to guide this child, that God has entrusted in their care, as they prepare for Confirmation.
In preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, service must be seen as a way of life and not “something to just get over and be done with.” The emphasis is on the reflection of the service and involve one of the Works of Mercy, either Corporal or Spiritual.
The Confirmation Sponsor, a Confirmed and practicing Roman Catholic is a person who walks with the candidate on the journey of faith leading to Confirmation with whom you can share your faith.
Questions and answers to assist the faithful in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. These questions and answers allow Candidates to know and live the Catholic Faith to the fullest.
Candidate writes a letter to the Bishop, stating their desire to be confirmed. The letter is their own description of their personal faith journey shows that they are ready to receive the gift of God’s Grace.