How blessed are we to be able to walk this earthly pilgrimage with one another as members of St. Ann’s Church! No matter what is happening around us — be it a pandemic, challenges in our culture, or social strife — St. Ann’s Church is our safe haven. It is the place where we can come together, gathered around the Eucharistic table, to worship, celebrate and serve our Lord. It is also the place where we serve one another. Here, united in God’s love, we are a visible sign of the body of Christ and together we can accomplish amazing things. Nourished by prayer and the sacraments, members of our parish community are journeying on the path of discipleship and growing in relationship with Jesus Christ each day. We value formation in the faith and sharing our faith with others through evangelization. We also know the importance of bringing the love of God to our neighbors through acts of charity and service. Through our many ministries, and our social and service-oriented outreach programs, we put into action the truth stated so eloquently by St. John the Apostle: “If God so loved us, we also must love one another” (1 Jn 4:11).
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