Ministry News Volunteers are needed to serve as Eucharistic Ministers at all daily and weekend Masses. Parishioners who serve in this ministry must meet the following guidelines: be a practicing Catholic in the Church; be fully initiated through Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation; be active in the parish and faithful to the Sacraments; be approved by the pastor.
Pastoral MinistriesPARISH COUNCIL
The Parish Council is composed of lay leaders, some of whom are elected from the Parish as a whole, and some of whom are appointed by the Pastor. Within the Council, oversight and coordination for various Parish ministries is distributed annually to various Council members. BUILDINGS & GROUNDS
Members of the parish who act as an advisory committee overseeing all of the church facilities and access the brick and mortar issues of the parish. They seek estimates on various projects, and prioritize the repair and replacement of the buildings and grounds of the parish. FINANCE COUNCIL
The Parish Finance Council consists of pastoral staff and parishioners appointed by the pastor who meet on a regularly scheduled basis to create the budget for each year, to review the yearly report and to review the on-going fiscal status of the parish. Liturgical MinistriesMUSIC MINISTRY
Our Music Ministry provides beauty, joy, comfort, inspiration & musical prayer for communal liturgies and various parish celebrations. Parishioners of all ages invited to share their gift of music whether you like to sing and/or play an instrument with our parish community during the masses. EXTRA ORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST
Ministers are trained to assist the priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Communion. This ministry is for Confirmed Catholics, who are at least 18 years old and in good standing with the Church. ART & ENVIRONMENT
If God has blessed you with the gifts of art and design, flower arranging, and color, please consider sharing your gift as a member of our Art and Environment Ministry. This ministry honors our sacred space and enhances our liturgical experiences by decorating the interior of the church including the Sanctuary in a way to compliment the liturgy. Participation may include a onetime project or an ongoing interest reflecting your personal talents. Social Justice
Pastoral Care brings Church to people. It brings a sense of connection and belonging to the elderly, sick and the faithful who are unable to attend Mass. Bringing the Word, Eucharist, and bringing our parish community's love, prayers, and concerns to them. If you or a family member wants to receive communion at home on a regular or temporary basis, please call the parish office. FOOD PANTRY
We are always looking for dedicated volunteers to help unload truck deliveries from vendors, sort food donations, stock shelves and assist with distribution on the First and Third Thursday of the month. ROSARY MAKERS
The Rosary Makers ministry helps promote the Catholic faith through the making, sharing, and distributing of Rosaries. Instruction and supplies are also provided for volunteers to work in their own homes. FUNERAL RECEPTIONS
Volunteers set up, serve, clean up, and/or prepare food for luncheons provided after the funeral of a parishioner. Time commitment is minimal because there are several teams who take turns providing the luncheons. LORENZO'S LUNCH
On Thursdays during the summer we offer a free, hot meal to anyone who wants one. This includes seniors, local business people, families, children, single or stay-at-home parents, and anybody else. Guests enjoy a hot meal, meet their neighbors, and participate in the vital community of Saint Ann's Parish. Volunteers set up, prepare, serve and clean up. |
At Saint Ann’s we believe that we have something for everyone. There are numerous ministries, opportunities to grow in faith, and so many ways to put our faith in action. We look forward to getting to know you better, being touched by your God-given gifts and joining you on your exciting faith journey!
Education MinistriesYOUTH MINISTRY
The youth leader offers your gifts to help foster a sense of community for teens through prayer, witnessing, and service providing an opportunity for both spiritual and social development. The youth program is open to middle and high school-age parishioners. This group provides an opportunity for youth to get together, meet new friends, and participate in social, spiritual, and service activities. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
Vacation Bible School is a 5-day summer camp for kids in preschool through 4th grade. Each day of VBS includes music, crafts, snack, games, storytelling, based on the daily Bible story and lesson. Volunteers for VBS are dedicated, flexible, and of course enjoy children. INTERGENERATIONAL EDUCATION
Faith Forward is our parish’s approach not only to the religious education of children but the continuing faith formation of all parishioners, fostering intergenerational relationships, faith sharing, and storytelling, to incorporate all generations in worship and to develop service projects that involve all ages, engaging all generations in learning together. As disciples of Christ, we are never truly “done” learning and growing. Faith Forward allows everyone to continue our journey moving closer to Jesus Christ and grow deeper in our faith. Volunteers assist with organizing and planning session activities twice a year. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CATECHISTS
Religious Education teachers (Catechists) are needed for the Sunday morning program, Catechists plan lessons, prepare materials, and conduct class each week from September through May. LECTORS
Lectors are the storytellers on our journey of faith, proclaiming the scripture in a way that reminds us God's Word is alive here and now. Time commitment for this ministry includes a brief training session as well as preparation time at home before reading. Lector Workbooks are provided to help you with your preparation. GREETERS and USHERS
Are you a sociable person? Have you been told that you make others feel welcome in your home? Join our team and share your talents in welcoming and serving God’s people at liturgy and greet people as they enter our church, help seat people, take up the collection, and assist at other special liturgical celebrations. ALTAR SERVERS
Altar Servers are close to the altar as they serve the priest and help to carry the cross and the light of Christ as the Gospel is proclaimed. This ministry is open to anyone who has completed fourth grade to 99 years of age. ADORATION
Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration weekly each Thursday. The morning Mass will be offered at 8:30am and Exposition and Adoration will follow - until 11:45am. Please make plans to join us any time throughout the morning. Parish & Family LifeFEAST DAY SOCIALS
We invite you to come celebrate our summer Feast Days with us! Volunteers are needed to help organize and serve. CHICKEN BARBECUE
Volunteers are the cornerstone of St. Ann’s Chicken Barbecue, our largest fundraiser. Whether this is your first-time volunteering with St. Ann’s Barbecue or if you’ve been around for a while, we truly appreciate your desire to help our parish succeed and we look forward to serving with you! |