The Church encourages us to make confession a regular part of our spiritual life, especially during the holy season of Lent, as we reflect on our baptism and repentance.
Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, the hungry are fed; the thirsty are given drink; the homeless find shelter.
During Lent, the Mercy Chalice will be present in the Church as a symbol of the Sacrifice of the Mass which makes it possible for us to be present as
Jesus’ Sacrifice at the Cross. |
All are invited to prepare for the Lenten season,
by joining in sharing a simple meal of soup in Mulligan Hall, during which, we will reflect together on Scripture readings. Following the meal we will have Stations of the Cross in Church. |
Experience Stations of the Cross like never before!
St. Ann’s Youth Group and Confirmation students perform a dramatic reenactment of the last days of Jesus’ life leading up to his death and resurrection. |